Personal Training and Membership Bundle 1 hour

$240.00 every month

The full access membership PLUS a customized personal training plan to maximize your progress!

Training includes a training program, diet plan, and (1) hour-long sessions per week with the trainer. This can be for beginners through advanced athletes. 

In person training is the ideal for both trainer and trainee. Meeting in person provides additional accountability as well as real time exercise technique correction.

Maximize your membership now!

The full access membership PLUS a customized personal training plan to maximize your progress!

Training includes a training program, diet plan, and (1) hour-long sessions per week with the trainer. This can be for beginners through advanced athletes. 

In person training is the ideal for both trainer and trainee. Meeting in person provides additional accountability as well as real time exercise technique correction.

The full access membership PLUS a customized personal training plan to maximize your progress!

Training includes a training program, diet plan, and (1) hour-long sessions per week with the trainer. This can be for beginners through advanced athletes. 

In person training is the ideal for both trainer and trainee. Meeting in person provides additional accountability as well as real time exercise technique correction.