Crew Member Paid Up Front

from $624.00

You’re part of the Legacy Crew!

Pay up front and save some money!

24/7 access to the Training Lab and all the gains you can make.

No sign up fees and no contracts!

No refunds or pro-rated amounts for early cancellation or rate changes.

Must be at least 18 or have parental approval/signature to join.

Time frame:
Start Your Legacy

You’re part of the Legacy Crew!

Pay up front and save some money!

24/7 access to the Training Lab and all the gains you can make.

No sign up fees and no contracts!

No refunds or pro-rated amounts for early cancellation or rate changes.

Must be at least 18 or have parental approval/signature to join.

You’re part of the Legacy Crew!

Pay up front and save some money!

24/7 access to the Training Lab and all the gains you can make.

No sign up fees and no contracts!

No refunds or pro-rated amounts for early cancellation or rate changes.

Must be at least 18 or have parental approval/signature to join.